International trips are the adventures that bring the travelers out of the United States (or out of their home country) to another country. These are typically multi-days, but can be daytrips (if a group is coming out of an area that is fairly close to the destination; ie. a group coming out of Central and Northern Vermont could go to Canada for a day).
Featured International Tours

Holy Land Pilgrimage
Pre-selected Dates or
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8-Days, 7-Nights
You are invited on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land!
After years of hearing the Gospels proclaimed at Mass and after years of proclaiming the Creed and partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, imagine hearing those Gospels proclaimed, celebrating Mass, and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in the very places that Jesus was born, baptized, ministered, taught, healed, suffered, died, and rose from the dead.
In accepting the invitation and going on this Pilgrimage, you just may return home with a new understanding of the Bible, Jesus’ land, and his ministry!